Saturday, July 19, 2014


I think I got hunt down by depression lately and it seems like I can't get out of it at all. I want to know my effort is not wasted But unfortunately What I see is different from What I expected... I really felt betrayed by What I got and What I've done for it... everything... everything seems so worthless, meaningless, pathetic....  like Why even try?  Why even put time in it? In the end, it's just waste of time and it just keep hunts you down like you're such a big failure! I hate falling like this...  I dislike being punch back down and whatever I did to change it and it doesn't even seems like working... I hate to have no power to change...  to change that should have been change But well I failed to change it again this time and it's so hard to stand up again... Please  give me some motivation...  some hope or anything....